
(n.) Sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees


Shark Attack

Trams are the way to go. 

on me: cardigan & skirt via Mk, sweater via Papa Chan, rings courtesy of The Lovely Tea (link), Photos by Hannah Lee

Ever since arriving back in Hong Kong my glee of not having to wait 30 minutes for a bus nearly destroyed me, but what better way then to incorporate the love of trams, the slowest method of travel next to "brisk" walking (questionable since you could race against a tram....if you really wanted to) with The Lovely Tea's hand crafted rings. Again my never ending conquests of getting into a muddle never stops, and mind you trams don't usually... err dare I say provide a-lot of "coverage" as one would like. So of course I had to shoot during rush hour, which of course meant lots and I mean a lot of business men/women, with the occasional elderly person to casually give us the be-whildered unicorn discovery look. Being as it is spring break gave me the "excuse" (more along the lines of re-phrasement) to try out new things, such as the Givenchy shark sweater that has been popping up all over street style blogs lately... and being a sweater addict myself, I simply had to try one. Pairing a symmetrical body-con skirt and a gifted set of tea rings, I was ready to go. Personally this was one of the most fun shoots I've had in a long time since it meant I got to meet the alleged Hannah Lee, and if i were to ever run around Hong Kong looking for a seven eleven that sold garlic noodles, siu-mai and fish balls... I wouldn't have done it with anyone else. Check back for more photos!

komorebi:(n.) sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees

xo  Charmyn

PS: Check out my friend's store 'The Lovely Tea' for upcoming designs and personal enquiries 

PSS: Again spring break always means a good time, and what better way to relive spring break then with a mash up of cheesy pop music? (thanks brian for the link ;)  



  1. Really love your photos. Love how you mixed these prints together.


    1. Haha thank you Fizzle, I was worried at first that they may have not went together >< :D

  2. Holy shit....that givenchy sweatshirt! <3


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