
(n.) Sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees


Lost Freedom

Typical arm bend pose.

On me: Bralet & top via Hong Kong, skort via Zara & shoes via Taobao.

It's official.
Today marks my last exam, and what better way than to release the first batch of photo's I've received from Anna. I swear without her, eye bags of late night studying would be the first thing you'd notice. I feel that it's necessary to announce that yes I'm wearing that Zara skort, and no i'm not a hipster. Naturally being the person who's always thinking of food, Anna & I pursued a late lunch together in downtown where we shared our past tales of adventures whilst munching on nachos and what not. Amongst other things the shoot was surprisingly successful since we didn't know what to bring except ourselves... and some clothes. Luckily we had the of both of our brains to make a collaborative choice of continuous skin bearing (dare I say scandalous?) outfits.
Personally I barely remembered what I did during the entire shoot, however after looking at the first look, it was pretty clear I
like using the arm on head pose. (what is posing?)

Oh and if you would like to view more of my awkward experiences with the camera here's the shoot I did of Anna. (click me)

Komorebi:(n.) Sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees

Xo Charmyn


  1. dope that your exams are over! now if only the weather would get better so you can enjoy your summer break! :) i'm also from vancouver! diggin the outfit

    1. You are?! Thats great to know another fashion blogger in Vancouver! I too can't wait for the sun to shine :)


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