
(n.) Sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees


Rhythm Of The Night | Giveaway

Caffeinated Nights 

Jord Watches Frankie in Zebrawood & Navy
Ken Photography
Dreamer Charmyn Editing

Following in Bastille's foot steps, this is how I get ready at night.
I usually plan my outfit first, and regardless of where I go I've accepted that I will always be overdressed.
If you don't get what I mean then I've attached this meme.
And in resolution with accepting how I dress I've decided to accessorize more, since I take a long time to find an outfit I like that I don't usually have time to add anything else unless I know it will definitely go with my look. 
An accessory that does this is this wooden watch in Frankie in Zebrawood & Navy by Jord I received back in early December. 

I've been styling it over the Winter break, and I gotta admit that this watch has grown on me.
Whether i'm heading to class, going for a meeting, or even a dinner with the family, you can find this watch on my wrist.
Also, being the careless person that I am, a function I love about this watch is that it has scratch proof surfaces.
That's right scratch proof.
I know that may not be mind blowing to some, but it is what made me gravitate to this watch, because I like products that aren't too fickle and need too much attention.
That, and the fact it is made out of sustainably harvested wood.
To view more, visit Jord Watches to see their extensive collection!

Also, I'm super excited to announce that I will be hosting my first giveaway!
I have always wanted to host one when first starting out as a blogger, and I am extremely pleased that Jord Watches is my first giveaway.

To enter please visit

1. Put in your name & email
2. Select the watch you want

3. Enter

There you have it guys! 
I hope all of you enjoy this as much as I do, since this is my way of saying thank you to everyone for supporting me.
I honestly cannot have made Ko-morebi what it is without any of you.

After being extra and deciding what I want to wear, I text my friend and spam them options on where they want to go.
Typically whenever I make plans at night, may it be grabbing dessert or watching a movie, my favourite way to catch up is a late night coffee run.
And yes, ever since immigrating to Canada I've managed to diversify the coffee shops I visit from the usual Blendz I've always went to. 
(Ironically enough I'm typing this at Starbucks)

Also, since were on the topic of finding cool spots to visit, I decided to share my answer to a frequently asked question.
Which is how do I find places to visit, and instead of repeating myself in the DM's over and over, here I am sharing this.

I go onto Instagram and use three ways to locate a spot I want to visit.

1. Search food hashtags for the specific location I'm visiting i.e. #newyorkeats
2. Creep a food blogger in the area i.e. bokehbites or sk_foodoholic
3. Creep an influencer in that city i.e. Justincywong

Voila, there you go. 
Three ways how I find cool spots when I travel.
Till next time lovelies!
Komorebi(n.): Sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees

Xo Charmyn

Watches Made From Wood

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