
(n.) Sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees


Q&A: Liebster

I've been meaning to do a Q&A for a while, so being emailed this morning for a Liebster award was a fun chance to participate in a post where I answer some questions on my blog. 
This was a nomination from Nora, and surprisingly the questions she sent me were in cohesion with frequent questions I've received the past year.
Also I thought it'd be a good chance (excuse) to share some photos I never Instagrammed.

1. What Made You Start Blogging?
I began blogging when I first immigrated to Canada in 2012 I think? 
Previously studying in Hong Kong I wore a uniform everyday to school, so I began experimenting with clothes in year 11.
Eventually I made this blog to document what I wore, however this drastically changed over the year, and it became a creative space where I could create something for myself.

2. What Is Your Go To Look This Moment?
For anyone who has been following me on Instagram, you can tell I've been hooked on thigh high boots. Usually I pair them with a baggy sweater dress, cardigan, coat and backpack to school. 
After a 8:30am lecture
3. Are There Any Current Trends You Hate At The Moment?
Hate is a strong word, I prefer lack of enthusiasm. 
So far I haven't had any trends I dislike, since I usually dress for myself. 
I've also learnt that some styles may suit one person, but are not for everyone.
Back when it was "cool", but I still like those leggings

4. What Was The Last Bad Joke You Heard?
I haven't heard one yet.
Judging how blurry this photo is, you can tell how rarely I smile in photos
5. Is There Anything You Haven't Blogged About Yet That You'd Like To Try In The Future?
I've always wanted to blog about monthly favourites, or a visual diary containing a summary of my trip.
^ Totally not a hint.

Gold star to whoever notices my spelling mistake
6. What Do You Think You're Best At?
RBF - resting bish face
Sleeping comes at a dead second though.
Spot the Totoro
7. How Do You Take Your Pictures On Your Blog?
I ask whoever is with me to take my photo. 
That includes family members, friends and classmates.
If not, I usually credit the photographers who helped in making me look presentable.
Kit wise I use a Canon 550D, 50mm lens and natural lighting.
Closest 'shooting' photo I owned
8. If You Could Take Up A New Hobby What Would It Be?
I feel like a lot can be benefited from learning how to edit my own html, and customize certain aspects of my blog without having to ask someone.
I ran out of photos with a laptop

9. On A Day When You Don't Leave The House, What Are You Wearing?
A baggy sweater / lazy top + shorts.
Sometimes when I feel fancy, I throw on a kimono jacket or a fancy pair of slippers.
That hard drive almost died last week.
10. Do You Have Any Advice For Anyone Who Wants To Be A Fashion Blogger?
To give advice, one has to be considered legit, and I don't think I'm in a position to advise anyone since I still am learning myself.
Aesthetics is everything though.
My first succulent
11. Have You Learnt Anything About Yourself Through Blogging?
Ever since I was small I never dedicated to anything, I've always dabbled in certain hobbies. 
From singing, basketball, running, drawing, etc 
Blogging though has taught me to be committed and patient when it comes to perfecting anything. 
It's what made me more determined in school you could say, and has made me realize what I wish to pursue in university. 
Something that was not feasible three years ago. 
With that I'm glad I started this space, and I look forward to what lies ahead!

Till next time lovelies!
Komorebi(n.): Sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees

Xo Charmyn

Passing on these random set of questions, I'd like to nominate:

- Girl Gone Vogue

- V for Visala

- The Undercover Giraffe

- HelloABella

1. How did you start blogging?
2. Favourite piece from your wardrobe?
3. Songs you love to jam to?
4. Most memorable moment as a blogger
5. Where do you draw inspiration from?
6. How do you plan a shoot?
7. Dream travel location?
8. Favourite places to eat?
9. Any future plans for you blog?
10. Wise words for any bloggers? (new or old, it doesn't matter)
11. Have you learnt anything about yourself through blogging?

In honour of my upcoming mid-terms, heres some de-stressing music to get through the remaining month and a half. 


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