
(n.) Sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees


New York Promenade

How to plan 10 outfits for vacation that are photo worthy and not over pack. 
On me: tank via Forever 21, jacket, pants & boots via Zara
Photography: Eugenia Chan
Editing: Charmyn Chan

Here's some shots of a favourite look of mine during my summer trip in New York.
I was only there for a week, but I managed to wear this outfit three times.
During my flight, my first day, and on my birthday night.
And I know what you're thinking, really?
The one person who is completely extra, and loves to over dress chose to don a casual look to their birthday?
I'm surprised too.
 I originally envisioned myself wearing more of a statement piece, like the dress I purchased from Misguided for the birthday photo I took in Brooklyn.
(View Birthday Photo Here)
But due to me being pre cautious, I ordered too big of a size which resulted in the dress's front wrap part being too open for my liking.
So open you could see the strapless bra that I wore under, and yes it made it's way into some photos, but have no fear!
Photoshop is here!
And due to that I went with a more casual look.
Slightly sad though when I think about it, because I planned everything so meticulously, that I even made my nails to match my dress.
(View Nails Here)

Ever wanted to bring a clothing piece you know would look amazing at an event, but took too much space in your suitcase?

Or find yourself wanting to bring more than four pairs of shoes on vacation?
Well me too.
This is how I bring over ten outfits and that includes at least four pairs of shoes on holiday, and not over pack.

1. Wear the heaviest items, or layer as much as you can for the flight.
By doing this majority of the weight isn't in your suitcase and instead on your body.
I find this to be useful since the temperatures fluctuate from being insanely hot while waiting in line to being freezing in the air craft.
Note: depending on the airport you're at, the guards usually require you to remove any jackets you are wearing when going through security.
 So while layering saves luggage space it might be slightly more inconvenient.

2. Pre-plan your outfits.
This sounds obvious, but I used to be the type who would throw random articles of clothing into my suitcase thinking I would mix and match later.
And as a blogger, that is a terrible idea.
Because you realize certain pieces have a weird fit or do not suit each other, and you end up relying on basic pieces to help you.
From my experience that leads to repetitive Instagram photos of one wearing the same outfit in different backgrounds, and really who wants that?

3. Make use of your carry on.
When I travel I like to bring the largest backpack I can find to fit chargers, a laptop, camera bag, camera, lenses, and a small bag for personal belongings inside.
That way I protect my own personal belongings that I feel aren't necessarily safe to roll around in my luggage, while retaining enough space for extra clothes.
Also if you happen to buy extra items that can't fit in your luggage (like shoes), you can always put a pair inside the giant backpack.
I've done that and it's saved me from a lot of additional expenses.

4. Prioritize what you really want to pack.
Regardless of the title, we can't always have what we want.
So if I were to pack an extra pair of shoes because it suited an outfit I wanted to photograph, I would pack less makeup or skin care products since those items can easily tally up to be extremely heavy.

5. Don't bring, just buy when you get there.

A trick my parents taught me over the years was to not bring certain items, and instead purchase a travel friendly version once you've reached your destination.
This is applicable for tooth paste, shower gel, shampoos, conditioners and other products.

Till next time lovelies!

Komorebi(n.): Sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees
Xo Charmyn 

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