
(n.) Sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees


Burnt Out

It's winter, but we're turning things up in here. 

On me: sweater via Monki, Jacket via H&M, Boots via Nordstrom Warehouse Sale
Photography: Kttsa

I was excited for the arrival of winter until I realized there was a storm this past week.
I find it funny though, how dramatic the ordeal was.
Because while there was a huge fuss about the "storm" arriving, Hong Kong underwent a typhoon around the same time that eventually lead to flooding.
Though, secretly I wished the storm was so detrimental that classes would be cancelled.
(no commute means more time to sleep)

Regardless of the weather, I'm excited to share with you guys these photos I've been sitting on for a year.
That's right, a damn year.
The reason being, I was burnt out.
Whether it was committing to projects that didn't necessarily make me happy in the long run, to pushing myself to sleep a maximum of five hours a day.
Lets also not forget about maintaining a social life, a decent academic standing, and sanity. 
Eventually I found myself just wanting to lie in bed all day, not going to classes, and I even stopped editing for a bit because I was no longer in the mood for it.
Usually editing is fun for me, the whole shebang; changing curves, retouching the blemishes, to enhancing certain colours.
I love the editing process.
However, being burnt out literally made me want to curl up at home and not do anything.
And you know what? Thats ok, because I'm back.

How did I manage to over come burnout?
1. A tremendous amount of sleep
2. Reevaluating what I can realistically invest my time in
3. Taking more time for myself

I am a huge believer of everyone taking time for themselves, because it's nice to treat yourself once in a while.
Also you are the only person who knows your limits, and can deem what is worth investing your time in.
For me, I 
wanted to focus more on my studies, and to accomplish my goal I had to invest more time into studying.
And with that, I had to trade off majority of my social life, which sounds painful at the moment, but I can say now that there's no better feeling than getting your shit together. 
Other than my studies, I also wanted to photograph and collaborate with more artists this year.
(Message me if you're ever interested in shooting, because I love meeting new people)
So far, it's been panning out, and I'm proud to say things are starting to finally come together.
Till next time lovelies!

Komorebi(n.): Sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees


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