
(n.) Sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees


Pier View

Unloading the next chapter.

On me: trench via f21 & shoes via Nike
Photogtaphy: Janice Chan
Editing: Dreamer Charmyn

For a brief moment before I delve back into a curriculum of designing packages, here's me saying good evening from my dining table where I will continue reading up on the benefits of exercise, then onto nutrition where we next move onto balance sheets, then back to finding out the correlation equation. 

The extent of knowledge I have on what I want to accomplish this semester is finally written out in my scheduler (took two months to finally get started, but hey it's better to be late than never), and that includes finalizing all club commitments (school one's, not the type you go party at) then a move that hopefully will drop by the end of this month or early March. 
As many of you know I usually credit editing or photography to Dreamer Charmyn which is another alias I use for my own photography and editing. 
However, this year I decided to merge Ko-morebi and Dreamer Charmyn under the name Ko-morebi. 

The reason behind this move was due to my personal attachment to photography. 
Originally I never considered it to be something that would take off, but after a hiatus of not shooting I can officially say how much I miss it.
I miss the excitement of organizing a shoot, to the giddiness when wrapping up a shoot, and definitely the satisfaction of staying up till 1am to finish a set and just admire what was created. 
Which means from now on I will be writing not only outfit, travel, and lifestyle posts, but also incorporating my personal photography editorials and shoots as well.

Another feature I'm bringing this year is beauty.
When I started out Ko-morebi, I never wore makeup, albeit halloween when mistakes can be excused as part of a costume. 
Yet meeting many makeup mavens (you know who you are), I too have fallen in love with it and shamelessly Instagram about it. 
(See example herehere, and here)
With that being said feel free to comment below what type of posts you wish to see, and your thoughts on this transition.
I look forward to sharing with you the next chapters of 2016.

Till next time lovelies!
Komorebi(n.): Sunlight that filters through the leaves of the trees

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